Replacing youth prisons and punishment with ranches and rehabilitation for nonviolent offenders.

Our mission is to establish 1,000+ acre ranches in all 50 states, replacing youth prisons with safe, loving, and healthy environments where young, nonviolent offenders can heal, grow, and learn the skills needed to build prosperous, bright, and happy futures.

Meet Michael Turner | Founder of Phoenix Ranch Foundation

My name is Michael Turner, founder of the Phoenix Ranch Foundation. Incarcerated when I was 14 years old, I spent half of high school without my freedom. It was during my time in youth prison that I dreamed of ranches that would eventually replace youth prisons with healthy, loving, nurturing environments where off-course youths can re-orient toward bright, successful, promising futures.

As a 14-year-old, I promised myself that I would make this dream a reality. From that day forward this promise has been the fire in my belly, the catalyst, the motivation to achieve the station in life necessary to honor the dream that I made to the 14-year-old me.

Thirty-nine years later I have reached that point and am now making this dream a reality. Today is not the end of youth prisons. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning of this barbaric, counter-productive practice.

To make this dream a reality requires support. As a 501(c)3 foundation, we welcome your tax deductible donation of any size. Even $1 is a vote of support for putting an end to the barbaric putting children as young as 10 years old in cages.

The following are real days in the life…my days in the life.

Click here to read about how I got to youth prison. Click here to read about my arrival at youth prison. Click here to read about how I got the nickname “Buster”.

Our declaration of independence begins with the following:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.

That they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights.

That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

When you lock children in cages you destroy their right to liberty and in most cases the pursuit of happiness. In doing so, you destroy their lives. Our inalienable rights that were set forth by our founding fathers as the cornerstone of democracy. Jailing tens of thousands of children every year destroys their liberty and pursuit of happiness. This is not the dream that our founding fathers set forward for us. It is time…it is far past time… to honor our founding fathers, to honor our future generation of humans that will someday inherit our planet.

A Message From The Founder

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