What does not smelling like a pig have to do with ending the barbaric practice of jailing nonviolent children?

Well, it turns out Michael Turner is the founder of Phoenix Ranch Foundation AAANNND co-founder of COCO SALVAJE an all-natural skin care company that specializes in only the worlds’ best all natural deodorant.

Michael has dedicated half of COCO SALVAJE’s profit to putting an end to jailing children and replacing that barbaric practice with the sensible and loving practice of Phoenix Ranching.

COCO SALVAJE makes all natural deodorants that really work, free from aluminum, baking soda, artificial fragrance and other nasty ingredients.

If you feel called to support the rise of the Phoenix Ranch Foundation and the end to jailing nonviolent children, but don’t have the funds to make a donation, simply purchasing COCO SALVAJE products is a great way to support the cause.

Meet COCO The Surfing Pig

A super fun way to spread the word about COCO SALVAJEis to follow our huge social media super sensation, COCO the 1000-pound surfing pig… our company mascot* who joined our cause when she was just seven days old. COCOVERSEPIG is where you can find COCO on Instagram. Follow her, tell your friends, amuse yourself with her loving antics and at the same time support a long overdue change to the youth criminal justice system.

* While a pig, she does not smell like one because she too uses COCO SALVAJE deodorant. She also occasionally eats the deodorant to keep her breath smelling fresh and clean…and being 100 percent natural with no chemicals of any kind, she can do so knowing that it will not spoil her bacon.